Comedy, Crime
In Durango Colorado, it’s illegal to crossdress and in the city of Boulder it’s illegal to roll a bolder down main street. I don’t look good in a dress and have a bad back. So I’ll head to the filthy city of Denver, where it’s illegal to loan your vacuum to a neighbor. I’ll talk with the local Hoover shop and then take to the neighborhood to suck up the law.
In Washington State, it’s illegal to ride the bus with a fishbowl on your lap and hypnotizing a person to be placed in a store window is totally out of the question. But harassing a Sasquatch or any other unknown animal is the law I’m setting out to break. I’ll even have some picket signs with nasty sayings about the beast as I march through the Pacific North West.
In Texas, it’s illegal to eat your neighbors’ garbage without permission and vibrators are considered “Obscene devices” and prohibited. But I won’t be eating trash or getting lewd with my temple to God. I’ll go through a wrestling camp and hold a fight club-style match in broad daylight. Because wrestling events are illegal in Texas without a permit.
In New York City, flirting could lead to a $25 fine and man boobs are illegal in Coney Island. But I’m happily married and fit. So I’ll be eating chestnuts and walking backwards in Central Park to see if New York’s finest will read me my rights. I’ll also ride along with The Bond Queen of New York, bust some perps and learn what it takes to get bailed out of jail.
In Idaho it’s illegal to fish with a beaver and giving your lover a box of chocolate of more than fifty pounds is against the law. However, I’ve come to Idaho to stick it to the man because in the city of Moscow it’s illegal to place stickers on poles that criticize its City Council.